*Points to be noted your honor

Where are you from?
I am from AP, India. Currently residing in Cleveland, OH

Why did you start this space?
Dreaming loud is the outlet of my dreams/ my other passions in life. I started this space as a medium to document by journey towards the lifestyle I dream of  that is both green and glamorous.

Is blogging your full-time Job?
No. It feels like it though! I am a full-time software developer and I work every minute I don’t spend on my current job.

Who takes your pictures?
All pictures in the blog and other social medias like Instagram and Facebook are either taken by my best friend Lakki or by myself using a tripod; unless stated otherwise.

What Camera and Lens do you use?

I use Canon Mark III 5D and 50mm prime lens for all my pictures.

Are all products you mention are 100% natural?
I strive to pick all organic products but not all the time, the products mentioned are 100% organic but definitely a certified natural alternative over synthetic products with no parabens, fillers and other harmful ingredients like the ones mentioned in my ingredients to avoid list. All my homemade recipes are 100% natural

What does c/o mean in your posts?
c/o means “courtesy of”, this products are sent by companies as a gift to review or style them in outfits.

Do you get paid for the beauty products you review?
I am not paid for doing any product review. They are all picked by me and all reviews are my honest opinions. If ever a company reach out to me in future, I assure to stand for what I believe and continue to give my honest opinions. Gift products will be disclosed in the post as c/o

What are lazy Recipes ?
As the name speaks for itself, these are quick to make, vegetarian or vegan, healthy and require less utensils (all I care about..). These recipes are either exclusive to DL or done my altering the original recipes to make them hassle free and lazy friendly.

I am a brand, how can I work with you?
Please write to us at Info@deaminloud.com with as much information about your brand and products. Thank you for reaching out.