Fall Camping Checklist- What To Expect, What To Wear and What To Bring With You

by | Oct 13, 2018 | Fall & Winter, Lifestyle, Travel

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall camping checklist - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

September, October, and November are wonderful months to camp and hike as the weather won’t be extremely hot or cold. Not only will you enjoy the change in season, but the crowd will be down and the bugs will be less. In this post, I am sharing the camping checklist that helped me plan the camping trip.

During the September long weekend, I went on a camping trip to Hocking Hills with my friends, a few who are very close to me and a few I have never met before. It was a wonderful experience to get to know new people and have the most quality time away from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

I have been cabin camping a few times in my life. This trip was my first time tent camping, and I learned a lot of things.  Here are some tips for you on what to expect for your first-time tent camping, what to wear, and what gear to bring with you.

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to expect from a first time tent camping1 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

The Ultimate Fall Camping Checklist

What To Expect From Tent Camping

1. You will get dirty

The weather forecast for the day we left for camping was rainy and the remaining 2 days were sunny. So we planned to reach the campsite by the time the rain stopped. We had to pitch our tents in the mud as there weren’t any dry spots. My shoes, hands, hair, and everything was covered with dirt within no time and I was smelling like soil. Which I enjoyed and had no complaints about until I reached home and worked my ass off to get that dirt off of my skin, shoes, and clothes.


Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

2.  You will have to share a shower with 100 other people, and use portable toilets that might stink 

The most realistic and toughest part of camping is using portable toilets. The moment you get in one of those toilets you wish you were home enjoying the luxury of the cleaned and sanitized washroom.

Most of the campgrounds have a public bathhouse and toilets. I suggest you first locate those and only use those. I wasn’t aware that there were actual toilets in our campground until I went to take a shower the next morning.

I recommend bringing a pair of flip-flops and wear them whenever you take a shower or use one of these public bathrooms. Bringing an extra bathroom roll is also advisable.


Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to expect from a first time tent camping - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

3. You will probably not have cell service

I actually expected this and was prepared not to bother about it. But we actually had a decent reception in our campsite which we used to our advantage and had fun with the walkie-talkie app. We used that app to communicate with each other from our tents even when we were at an audible distance from each other tents. I also shared some of my excitement in my Instagram stories.


Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall camping checklist on what to expect from tent camping - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

4. You will Walk a lot

Hiking is my favorite activity to do when I am camping. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy the nature and workout at the same time. We hiked a couple of trials in Hocking Hills that covered a few beautiful caves and a bunch of waterfalls. You will forget about how hot or cold the weather is once you start enjoying the sight.


Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall tent camping checklist on what to expect, what to wear and what to bring with you 2 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

5. You will experience beauty in everything

My favorite part of camping was gathering around the fire at night, playing games, talking Instead of watching Netflix or checking the phone. We ate our meals together, appreciated each other’s efforts, and experienced the beauty of being present in the moment.

I never thought I could just pass the time by staring at the fire and listening to the sounds of the night. It was magical on how nature lets you experience the beauty in everything, and how little things can bring you joy.

My second favorite part of camping was sleeping in a tent with my girlfriends. It was like a pajama party, we chit-chatted all night until one of us dozed off.  We experienced the beauty of listening and harmony.

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to wear to a camping trip in fall1 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud


Fall Camping Checklist: What To Wear

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to wear to a camping trip in fall - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

1. Layers

Layering is key for staying warm in fall and winter. It also helps you to pack lite as you can mix and match your pieces to create new outfits. Be sure you bring comfortable and warm clothes like long sleeve tee, thermal underwear, a lightweight sweatshirt or wool sweater, fleece legging, thick socks (pack extra), a puffer vest, a fleece jacket, a plaid shirt for layering, an all-weather jacket, and a beanie hat

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Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to wear to a camping trip in fall2 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

2. A Rain Jacket

Fall weather can be unpredictable – There are chances of rain in many areas. So always carry a rain or all-weather jacket with you irrespective of what forecast says. It will also help you retain warmth as an extra layer at night. This all-season jacket is perfect for both fall and winter.


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Lifestyle Blogger Surekha of dreaming loud wearing Ugg Kesey Waterproof Boot - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

3. Hiking Boots

Comfortable and waterproof boots are a must especially if you are planning to hike. If you know it’s going to be cold, opt for actual hiking boots that will keep your feet warm. If not you can bring your regular running or gym shoes. But keep in mind, the shoes are going to get dirty. I love these Aetrex moto boots that are waterproof and sturdy enough to also walk in the snow.

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Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall camping checklist2 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

4. A Hat

A hat is a must for me. It will keep you warm in the cold and in Sun it will protect your face from direct UV radiation.  Depending on the weather pack a baseball hat or a beanie.

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Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to wear to a camping trip in fall3 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

5. Backpack

Carry a small backpack with your hiking essentials like a water bottle, extra socks, sunscreen, and energy bars. Similar backpack to what I am wearing here ($9). I also love this and this.


Fall Camping Checklist: What To Bring

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to bring with you for a fall camping trip - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

1. Tent

You need a good tent that doesn’t leak. With the wind in fall, be sure to properly pitch your tent with extra stacks. Always carry extra stacks in case you lose one or some rock pretzels of yours. I like this 4-person tent

2. Sleeping bag and pad

We didn’t actually carry any sleeping bag or pad instead we took all our comforters including some extra ones to use them as pads. But for colder months make sure you carry an insulated sleeping pad and a zero degree sleeping bag.

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what gears to take with you for a camping trip in fall - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

3. Lamp

We underestimated the usage of the lamp. We thought the campfire will give us enough light but you definitely need portable lamp inside your camp that you can carry with you to restrooms at night. We bought these $3 lamps that were really bright.

4. Camping Chair

Remember to bring your own chair because the campfire is set up, everyone likes to sit in front of the fire. Check out this $11 chair

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what gears to take with you for a camping trip in fall 1 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

5. Grill Set

Some campsites do provide a grill as one of their amenities. You can check their website or call them to check with them before booking your campsite. We bought this grill set that was very useful.

6. Cooler and Ice

You need one for cooling your drinks and refrigerating food. This one comes with a roller

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall camping checklist4 - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

7. Propane Stove and extra fuel

Carry extra propane gas cylinders with you as colder temperatures lead to longer cooking times.  Plus you would want enough to make an extra bottle of hot water to snuggle with in your sleeping bag at bedtime for extra warmth. My friend has this 2 burner stove and I am getting this cookware set when I go on a backpacking trip.

8. A Thermos

To keep your hot coffee or tea hot :). This one is stainless steel and BPA-free.

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing what to wear for a fall camping trip - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

9. Storage Locks and Bear can

Be sure not to eave any food or drinks open at night to avoid attracting animals to your campsite. Store them in beer cans, hang them, and use locks to lock your cooler or put your leftover food back in your car.

When it comes to waste management. We separated our recycled waste into a separate trash bag like we always do at home. Apart from saving the environment, it also helps me in reducing plastic usage in general. You can always bring back the recycle trash bag with you if you can’t find any recycling dumpster at your campground.

10. Bug/mosquito Repellant

We were told a bug repellant is a must but luckily we didn’t have any issue with mosquitoes/bugs. I found this all-natural mosquito-repellent bracelet

Shop This Fall Camping Checklist

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Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud wearing Barbour waterproof rain jacket - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

Shop My Outfits

Outfit#1: Flannel Shirt | Tank | Levis Parka | Jeans (also have this; last seen here) | Ugg boots | Socks (the best, soft and thick)

Outfit #2: Sweatshirt c/o Lemotto (last seen here) | Barbour jacket (similar 1,2,3; last seen here) | Jeans | Boots | Socks

Lifestyle blogger Surekha of Dreaming Loud sharing fall tent camping checklist- what to expect, what to wear and what to bring with you - Fall Camping Checklist featured by popular Ohio lifestyle blogger, Dreaming Loud

What was your camping experience like? Have I missed anything out of my Fall Camping Checklist? Let me know in a comment below!


“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy ~Rumi”
Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. Jajwalya R Karajgikar

    Thank you for the tips! Looks like you had a fun time. I hope I get to go hiking soon!

  2. Jamie

    Some of these look like Hocking Hills? I love hiking, and camping, and all things nature.. but never added the fashion part into the mix. You make it look good!

  3. Heather Scott

    This are some great tips! Can’t wait to start getting outdoors again now that it’s cooling down here in Texas!

  4. Hanna

    What a fantastic list for camping I’m always forgetting the essentials

  5. Allison Redmon

    Oh my goodness ! Such great information for local campers or enthusiasts! I love that you included wardrobe options too!

  6. sheila chen

    So helpful for first time campers! I would add a deck of cards and s’mores 😉 I feel like those are a camping must! Absolutely love how informative this is!

  7. Emily Moore

    This is a GREAT post for new campers! I love the “What to Expect” section — #2 is just too true (and something people don’t realize). Thank you for sharing!!

  8. Melissa Johnson

    This is so great!! Tons of helpful information here! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Krysta Reed

    Who knew real camping could be so chic! I always forget the bug repellent, always!

  10. Jiyeon Kelly Allen

    what an informative article! thank you so much for sharing!! 🙂

  11. Alyssa Carole Bouma

    i’m totally not a camper. but i loved reading this and it made me consider that i should give it a try!

  12. Kusum @sveetesKapes

    Camping is always an amazing experience! The feeling of being in the woods close to the nature is the best thing ever! And completely agree with all your tips, right on.

    Xx, kusum || http://www.sveeteskapes.com

  13. Abbigayle @ Her Luxe Travels

    I haven’t been camping in years! my BF has been trying to convince me to go , we just need to plan a good time. looks like you had so much fun! love all of your outfit posts! <3

  14. Bee Serrata

    Love this post! I signed up for questival in my city and will be camping with some of my close friends this upcoming weekend. I will definitely share this with them so we can better prepare for our camping trip.

  15. NicoleAnderson|CampingforWomen

    Great post covering many good points for inclusion when you go camping. Like you, I also love hiking whenever I camp and getting out among nature as often as I can.

  16. Sarah Michele Photography

    we are not really a camping family, but I know this checklist will come in super hand to those that do!

  17. DeBalino

    This is the best list. I am always a little threatened by camping because it seems so intimidating. But I think as long as you’re prepared with the gear and are dressed right – and ready to face the fun, it will be nothing short of memorable.

  18. Jennifer Ann

    Love this comprehensive guide to camping! The tip of the extra set of flip flops is amazing!

  19. Sarah Furtkamp Holladay

    This is a perfect post for this time of year! We are gearing up for a camping trip in a couple weeks and this has been super helpful! Remembering my thermos and getting excited for seeing beauty everywhere!

  20. Angela Patrick

    I love camping. It’s too bad we have such long winters here and our camping season is so short. Lots of great information here. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Ali N Garrett

    Thank you for the reminder. We are getting ready to go camping and I knew we were forgetting a few things.

  22. David E

    And if you are backpacking some of those wouldn’t work but I understand most are essential. Thank you for reminding me that I really need to get a good pair of hiking boots.

  23. Envision Photography by April

    Such great information about tent camping! I have been a few times and totally agree with all of your recommendations! Love all your camping pictures too!

  24. Aditi

    This is such a great and informative post for anyone who likes camping or is planning to do it for the first time. I have done hiking but have never done camping before ad your post really made me to plan a camping trip soon. 😀

  25. Today we Craft

    Hubby and I just came back from camping in the USA. Fall camping is awesome!

  26. ElizOF

    Since I’m not a fan of bugs, camping is off my to do list. That said, I appreciate your thorough list of what to expect and what to bring. It will help first time campers prepare for all that camping has to offer.

  27. Jake Ferrer

    Camping is always a fun thing to do. I have never been in a camping. But it’s not my cup of tea lol.

  28. Joanna

    I have actually never went camping, the proper way, with a tent and a bbq and just spend the night in the wild. It sounds fantastic and I’d love to do it one day though. I can imagine you do get dirty but I guess it is part of the fun.

  29. Preet@TheVelvetLife

    What a beautiful post it is, the pictures are all fabulous. This post came at the right time, my elder one has been asking me to plan a camping trip and I have never done that before, going to bookmark this post.


    This is such a wonderful experience, and also the perfect timing. I have never gone camping before, your post want to make me give it a try.

  31. Stephanie Rosé Tingley

    Not too sure how I feel about camping, I love the social factor and the lack of rules but the bugs! Loved the fashion section especially the yellow raincoat.

  32. Thena Reading-Franssen

    We love to camp. We camp all the time, probably went on about 15 trips this year. It was wonderful and you’ve got a great list here!

  33. Closetfullofdreams.com

    One time in college, I had to go camping with my class as part of an introduction. And I absolutely hated it to be honest and vouch to never go camping again haha. But I do think your checklist is on point!

  34. She Did More

    I’ve never been camping but really want to. This post really helped me put things into perspective. I feel like I’d complain at first but end up having an amazing time.

  35. Jillian

    Definitely smart things to bring along on a camping trip, especially bug repellent! I also bring along lavender oil that usually makes my bug bites go away overnight!

  36. Pooja Kawatra Gupta

    Camping is so amazing and my son recently went for a camp it was a great learning experience and learnt many things.

  37. Quirky Homemaker

    We LOVE Hocking Hills, although we usually get a cabin when we go. I would agree with all of these things, with the addition of a tarp to put under the tent to help keep that dampness at bay when the ground is wet. Glad you enjoyed your camping experience. It is so nice just sitting by a fire.

  38. IG:Suetanyamchorgh

    Camping is always a good experience. I love being outdoors and being one with nature. I am going camping this weekend and I can’t wait.

  39. Shubhada Bhide

    Camping is so exciting. My kids went for a camping site and it was a great experience to them and to learn many things about nature and everything. and those list are really important and helpful especially the insect repellant.

  40. Amy

    We LOVE camping nowadays, especially after my middle son joined Boy Scouts and is a “real trooper” now 😉 We’ve got ALL the gear (ugh) and continuing to get more gear for the MN winter – they literally build their own igloos outdoors and sleep in them! Crazies, right?! 🙂

  41. Agnes

    I admit I am not into camping but know a lot of people that love it. It is such a good way to be close to nature. Love you camping gear too!

  42. Shraddha Bhalla

    These are some fantastic tips and products. Looks like you had a wonderful time


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I’m Suri (short for Surekha), a software engineer with a deep love for fashion and a passion for helping fellow moms. Dreaming Loud is a personal guide from your girlfriend (that’s me!) to everything I cherish—fashion, motherhood, my Indian heritage, and a sustainable lifestyle.


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