Top US life and style blog, Dreaming Loud, is getting married: image of custom Dreaming Loud Wedding invitation
Lifestyle India Abroad Personal Wedding

I’m Getting Married!

There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You’d think the dreamers would find the dreamers, and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not, the opposite is true. ~Modern Family

I found “MY” realist who will keep me from soaring too close to the sun.


Wanting to share this news with you all ever since I landed in India. I was waiting to share my invitation with my grandparents first before I put it out. I am relieved that it’s out now.


Romantic comedy is my favorite genre. I believe in love, and that someone is born just FOR YOU


I was always terrified of getting married. I hardly ever imagined my wedding day growing up. Even though I knew I will get married someday, the thought of marriage never felt fitting. Because I was too scared of losing my FREEDOM.

Freedom to be me, Freedom to be able to do what I wanna do, Freedom to dream big and live my dream. 

Top US life and style blog, Dreaming Loud, is getting married: image of custom Dreaming Loud Wedding invitation

caricatures of me, R and our parents (left-R parents, right-my parents)

Feb 10th, 2019… my mom announced it on the phone. My wedding was fixed with my best friend Rajesh.

Something we have been waiting to hear for the past 2 years.

I was incredibly happy but there was also part of me that was doubting if I was ready.

Truth be told I will never be “ready” to get married.

I will never be ready to change my last name that was part of me all of my life. I will never be ready to get into something that I can’t guarantee will remain the same forever. I will never be ready to be selfless always and I will definitely never be ready to lose myself in the process of a happy marriage.

But nothing will prepare me for the marriage more than getting married will. I can’t predict my marriage based on someone else experiences or my fears. It’s the actual experience that is needed and will help me and Rajesh to grow and learn.

Though I feared I was not ready for marriage,

I was always ready to share my life with Rajesh. It’s probably the word “marriage” I was most scared of.

Rajesh has always been there to listen to my nonstop blabbering, my insane dreams, and ideas. Even though he might not approve of everything 😀

In thick and thin, happiness and tears, winning, losing and trying, we have been in it together (touch wood) and I think marriage is JUST that. Being together no matter what.

No doubt we are going to hit troubled waters. At the speed, my mind constantly shifts, and the fact that I want to do it all. I know that I will be constantly changing. I also know that Rajesh will evolve too. I am not nervous about the change. I trust the person he and I will become. I trust our feelings for each other.

No matter what my future holds, at least with marriage, I am assured that I will have someone to hold on to when the road is bumpy.

Today, I am very much READY to welcome the new chapter of my life. I am more EXCITED than anything else right now. My parents are incredibly happy. My mom and I have already started a countdown for my big day. #22daystogo


Sharing a page from my diary, a piece of my heart…

How did you feel when you were getting married, were you all in and excited or did you have your worries too, tell me I am not ALONE in the comments below? Share your advice in a comment below!