yoga-for-glowig-skin-dl-1 | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud
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The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin (Face)

Eating right food and taking good care of skin are always the part of glowing skin story but we also need to work on relieving stress and improving blood circulation in order to achieve younger looking skin. Although,  every yoga asana will benefit you with glowing skin. However, they are certain Asanas/poses that are more beneficial than the others. Following are such yoga asanas that will promise you both slimming body and younger looking skin

Before trying on these yoga asanas, be sure to warm up by doing Surya Namaskaram (Sun Salutation)

The 5 Best Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin

1. Matsyasana (Fish Pose):

This is one of my favorite yoga asanas that I’ve been practicing since childhood. This work wonders for your respiratory system as it open the bronchial tubes to promote easy breathing and blood circulation.

FishPose-dl | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud: the fish pose


  1. Lie flat on your yoga mat with your legs extended and arms resting along your side with your palms facing down.
  2. While inhaling, raise your upper torso and head upwards by pressing your forearms into the floor. Create an arc with your upper body and tilt your head back by bringing the crown of your head to the floor.
  3. Set into comfortable position without putting too much strain on your head. Try you put all your weight on your forearms.keep breathing
  4. Hold the position for 2 mins and slowly lift your head off the floor and while exhaling, lower your torso and head towards to the floor. Rest for few seconds and repeat the asana for better results.


2. Sirsasana (Headstand):

A yoga to master mind and a glowing face :).  I still remember my mom used to make me and my brother do this during our final exams, we used to joke around and do it for fun but no kidding, this work wonders for replenishing your brain by improving the blood flow to brain, head and neck. An instant stress reliever if you ask. Sirsasana is also good for eyes, improve the functioning of reproductive glands, relieve headaches and asthma.

Note:  This asana should be practiced under the guidance of an instructor. It is not an easy asana to ace in the first attempt. It may take several trials but worth all the struggle. Get a partner or instructor in the initial steps to look after and help you reach the ultimate position without any fall or injury.

You can do this on your bed or leaning towards the wall with a pillow supporting your head

sirsasana-dl | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud: sirsana


  1. Bring your mat closer to a wall. Place a pillow closet or touching the wall.
  2. Face toward the wall and sit in Vajrasana by kneeling your head to the ground.
  3. Place your head on the inter winded fingers and hold it firmly so that the head will not slip while doing the asana.
  4. Inhale and slowly raise your buttocks up and your knees on the ground (see pose# 1 in the image)
  5. While holding your breath, apply pressure on your hands and raise your trunk further up till it is perpendicular to the ground e bending your knee (see pose# 2 in the image)
  6. Move your legs toward back and rest them on the wall (see pose# 3 in the image)
  7. Exhale and straighten your both legs at once or one after the other onto the wall (See pose# 4 in the image).
  8. Stay in the posture for a min or till you can balance and slowly release your feet from the wall and perform the all the positions in the image in reverse.


3. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Traingle pose):

Trikonasana engages the whole parts of the body, strengthens the core, improves digestion which in turn helps the skin to glow more!

Trikonasana-dl | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud: trikonasana


  1. Stand on the mat with your feet and arms apart forming an inverted V
  2. Turn your left foot 90 degrees toward left and right foot straight (as shown in the image)
  3. Inhale and touch your left feet with your right hand while stretching your waist straight.
  4. Keep the left hand straight and pointing towards the sky.
  5. Hold the position while looking up, if possible touch the floor or feet with your left hand.
  6. Exhale and release your left hand after a minute or 2 and go back to the initial standing position. Repeat the same for other leg.


4. Uttanasana (Standing forward bend):

Uttanasana is one of the yoga asanas of Surya Namaskaram (Sun Salutation) that helps to stretch and prepare body for more deeper bending poses. Its an intense exercise that strengthens hips, hamstrings and calves. Dropping your head below helps improve blood circulation to the head and relieve stress, anxiety, headache, depression and insomnia.

standingForwardBend-dl | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud: standing forward bend


  1. Stand straight on the ground in mountain pose with your hands resting on your hips.
  2. Exhale and bend forwards from the hip joint and lengthen your torso as much as you can.
  3. Keeping your knee straight, place your arms on the feet or on the ground.
  4. Hold the position for a minute. Inhale and slowly release it by placing your hands on your hips and returning to tadasana.


5. Kapalbhati and Padmasana:

Kapalabhati is a breathing exercise that helps to oxygenate your body while strengthening the stomach abdominal muscles. ‘Kapal’ means ‘Skull’ and ‘Bhathi’ means ‘Shinning’ in Sanskrit. Thus, Kalpalbhati also helps to have a glowing skin.

Kapalbhati-Pranayama-dl | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud: kapalbhati


  1. Sit comfortably on a yoga mat with cross legs or sit in a Padmasana pose with hands resting on knees.
  2. Inhale deeply squeezing your stomach in and exhale with all force.
  3. Repeat this procedure for 5-10 minutes in the beginning and increase the time as you go.

Finish your routine by relaxing in Savasana for a few minutes.

NOTE: If your are a newbie to Yoga, be sure to practice these poses with an instructor. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure or with any other health issue, please be sure to contact your doctor before attempting this poses.

yoga-for-glowing-skin-dl-1 | The Best 5 Yoga Asanas for a Glowing Skin, featured by popular Ohio natural beauty blogger, Dreaming Loud

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